Wednesday 19 April 2017

Natural DIY Home Remedies for Yeast Infection!

Yeast infection is a common problem in women. It is a known fact that every woman would have had this infection at least once in their lifetime. Do you know home remedies for yeast infection?

Although it is not a very serious form of infection and can be easily cured, however, it requires immediate attention. It is contagious in nature and the infection may spread easily.

What is Yeast Infection?

Home Remedies for Yeast Infection

Yeast infection is otherwise known as Candida. The infection is caused by fungi named Candida albicans. The infection mostly occurs in the vagina of women. It occurs in the sensitive and delicate parts like under arms, a lower portion of the breast, nails and near the skin folds. It is reddish in colour and is slightly swollen. An infection is a small group of reddish dots which slowly turns to purple colour and finally blackish in nature.

The maximum chances of getting infected are during pregnancy, menopause and diabetes, intake of steroids and antibiotics and using oral contraceptives.

Symptoms of Yeast Infection

The symptoms of yeast infection include.
  • Itching
  • Redness of the area
  • Reddish eruption on the surface of the skin
  • Swelling
  • Burning sensation

Home Remedies for Yeast Infection

There are some easy home remedies for yeast infection.

1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is very useful for yeast infection as it has anti-fungal properties. Regularly apply coconut oil to get rid of yeast infection within a week.

Coconut oil can be applied in several ways.
  • Apply coconut oil externally on the surface of the affected area.
  • You can also add a pinch of cinnamon powder to the coconut oil and apply the same.
  • In case the infection is inside the mouth, take a spoonful of coconut oil and swish your mouth. Do not swallow the oil.
  • Repeat the process 3 times in a day to see the difference within few days.


2. Yogurt

Yogurt contains good bacteria which inhibit the growth of yeast and automatically the infection gets cured.
  • Apply yogurt on the infected areas and let it stay there overnight.
  • You will see a gradual reduction in the infection the very next morning.
It will also prevent itching which is caused by infection. Also, include yogurt in your daily diet to get rid of the infection.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar serves as a disinfectant and has antifungal properties that inhibit the growth of yeast infection. Apple cider vinegar can be either consumed or applied.


  • Take a teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar and add it to a cup of warm water.
  • Drink this solution several times in a day to prevent the yeast infection from spreading.
  • In a bath tub add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to hot water.
  • Soak yourself in the hot water for 10-15 minutes.
  • This will help to reduce the itchiness and irritation.
Such home remedies for yeast infection provides relief instantly.

4. Boric Acid

Boric acid has anti-fungal and antiseptic properties which are very useful to cure the yeast infection.

Process –

  • Take a spoonful of boric acid and mix it with sufficient quantity of water to form a solution.
  • Apply this solution over the infected area and leave it for few minutes.
  • Wash off with normal water.
  • Repeat this process once daily for 3 weeks to completely get rid of an infection.


6. Talcum Powder

Talcum powder also helps to reduce the symptoms of yeast infection.
  • Sprinkle talcum powder on the infected surface covering it completely.
The talcum powder absorbs the moisture and keeps the area dry thereby preventing further infection. It also helps to control itching and irritation.

7. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is known for its medicinal properties as well as its soothing nature.
  • Extract fresh gel from an Aloe Vera gel.
  • Apply this gel on the affected areas and let it stay for half an hour.
  • Wipe off with a clean cloth.
The fresh gel prevents the burning sensation which is caused by the infection. It also reduces any form of swelling and redness in the area and hence is very soothing in nature.

8. Garlic

Garlic is found to be very useful in curing yeast infection. It has antifungal properties and the natural antibiotics present in garlic can be very helpful to cure yeast infection.
  • Soak garlic cloves in water for few minutes.
  • Blend the cloves along with water to form a smooth paste.
  • Apply this paste on the affected area and then wipe off after 10-15 minutes.
This method initially will cause a terrible burning sensation, however, it will soon soothe the infected areas. You can also eat garlic cloves in empty stomach to get rid of the infection. Also, include garlic in your daily diet. Apart from the benefits of garlic for infection, there are medicines and ointments available in the market which can be used to cure infections easily.

Useful Tips for Yeast Infection

  • Maintain hygiene; clean the vagina with a disinfectant regularly to prevent yeast infection.
  • Do not touch the infected areas as it is highly contagious and may affect nearby areas.
  • Keep the infected area as dry as possible as yeast can breed easily on the moist surface.
  • Clean your inner wears regularly with a disinfectant while suffering from yeast infection.
  • Avoid intercourse during this time, maintain a disciplined life.
  • Refrain eating sugary substances as it promotes the growth of fungi.

When Should You Seek Medical Advice?

At times, you should not self-treat yeast infection as it may not be appropriate.
  • In case of pregnancy.
  • If you have prolonged diabetes.
  • In case you have a yeast infection for more than 4 times in a year.
  • The remedies you are following did not show any improvement.



Yeast infection is a common problem and if aggravated can lead to major issues. Therefore, if you identify the infection at an early stage then follow the above-mentioned home remedies for yeast infection. If the infection is spreading continuously, it is better to seek medical attention. It has an impact both physically and psychologically.

Hope you have found this article useful. In case of any suggestion or feedback, please share the same in the comments section below.


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