Here are six of the trickiest and most annoying interview questions, along with sample answers to inspire you.

If you hear all six of these brainless and done-to-death questions on the same interview, you may conclude that the organization does not deserve you!


Why do you want this job?
This is a dumb question because you are only at a job interview -- you have not yet said that you want the job, any more than the employer has said they want to hire you. It's an arrogant question, but you still have to answer it.

Interviewer: Why do you want this job?

You: Your job ad caught my eye because I do some membership marketing in my current job but I'd love to do more of it, and I see a lot of overlap between the things I'm good at and what you seem to be looking for. Should I tell you a little more about that overlap?

Where do you see yourself in five years?
This is a ridiculous and insulting question because the employer is certainly not offering you a five-year contract. It wouldn't even be responsible to make a fixed five-year career plan these days because the working world is so tumultuous. Oh well -- you still have to answer the question!

Interviewer: Where do you see yourself  in five years?

You: I'm very interested in financial modeling and forecasting so I expect to become more well-versed in those topics over the next few years. My current job has taught me a lot about data science and I expect to keep learning more about that, too.

What's your greatest weakness?
I hate this question with a passion as I explain here and here.

Interviewer: What's your greatest weakness?

You: I used to stress and worry about my weaknesses -- I took classes and read books trying to correct what I thought at the time were my defects. Over time I learned that I need to  spend every available minute working on getting better at things I'm already good at, focusing on my strengths rather than the many things I am not cut out to do. My passions are graphic design and illustration, so that's where I focus my energy!

Why should we hire you?
This question commands a job-seeker to grovel and beg for the job, and that is not something responsible interviewers do. Be wary of employers who want you to bow down to them. They seldom turn out to be good places to work!

Interviewer: We have so many talented candidates. Why should we hire you?

You: Shall I tell you what I think the job is all about, to make sure that I understand what you're looking for? That way we can determine whether I have a good feel for your requirements.

What would your last boss say about you?
This is an obnoxious question because it presumes that your last boss's opinion has weight. Why is your last boss an authority on your competence? Your last boss could be in prison for all the interviewer knows.

Interviewer: What would your last boss say about you?

You: My last boss Marcia left me a very kind LinkedIn recommendation that says she relied on me to take care of our most complicated customer problems. Marcia left the company when I did, at the time of the company's acquisition.

Why aren't you working now?
This question sounds like an accusation. It's rude.
Shouldn't someone who interviews people all day long for a living know a more polite way to ask about the circumstances surrounding your departure from your last job? We would hope so!

Interviewer: Why aren't you working now?

You: I left Acme Explosives to focus on my job search full-time and I'm so glad I did! I had a great run at Acme but the company changed its strategy and wasn't investing in its website anymore. I'm learning so much as a full-time job-seeker and networker, and I've started a small web design business which has really helped me understand how the nuts  and bolts of small business work!