Looking for a List of Blogs that Accept Guest Posts?
In case you haven’t heard, guest posting on other people’s blogs is like ‘totes the thing’ to do if you are looking to expand your audience and get noticed by influencers! And while that’s super great advice and all…it can sometime be hard to search the internet for guest posting opportunities while balancing a sink full of dishes, a cranky 3 year old and a husband who adds 7 hours of chores each week.Do not despair my lovelies, I have done all of the hard work for you! I’ve compiled a list of 55 blogs that accept guest posts on topics such as parenting, DIY, recipes & faith. But….before you go all crazy with guest post submissions, I wanted to give you some pointers to making the BEST first impression on your potential blog editors.
What are Blog Editors looking for in a guest post?
Guest posting is a mutually beneficial relationship: The editor needs content and you’re looking to expand your reach. We call this little situation a blogging quid pro quo 😉Blog editors are looking for original content – Now I should mention that *some* bigger blogs will accept blog posts that have already been published elsewhere, but for the most part blog editors want original content. Why? Well for a couple of reasons, if the content goes viral, they want dibs on it. But secondly, (which is even more important) they do not want to be penalized by Google for having duplicate content as another blog. You see back in the day, spammy webmasters used to try to trick Google by putting up dozens of webpages with the exact same content. Google caught on and now penalizes sites that have duplicate content as other sites. The bigger sites (like Huff Po) can get around this because they have sooooo much other original content on their website.
Content that their readers will enjoy, interact with & share – Blog editors are great content curators. They know exactly what makes their audience tick. If they’re good they know what their readers enjoy, what they share and what they will interact with. You will want to consider these things when pitching the editor. Ask yourself, is this story share-worthy? Will their readers like it?
Get List of Blogs Accepting Guest Posts
Enter your email address below to get access to the list of 55 blogs now accepting parenting, DIY & craft guest posts.
4 Things you Need to Do BEFORE submitting a guest post
Check out the blog & read several articles – Is this blog a good match for you? Does their writing style match yours? You want to take a hard look at the voice of the blog and determine whether your voice would be a natural fit for their blog. (If guest posting were like Tinder, I would imagine that this is the period in guest blogging where you would decide whether to swipe left or right.)Engage with the blog on Social Media – Follow the blog on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest & Instagram. Like their photos, comment on their status updates, and re-pin their pins. What will this do? It will put you on the blog editor’s radar. If they see you commenting and liking their photos, and then receive your email about a guest post. It’s an easier intro..because they are already familiar with you!
Brainstorm some topics – Now that you’ve read a few of their blog articles, you should take a few minutes and come up with some topics and headlines to include in the email. Blog editors are busy people and you can quickly get their attention if you give them a few juicy headlines that they can’t resist.
Write your best stuff – I’m not joking on this one. You want to put your best content, best grammar and best quotes in this guest post because you are going to have to impress a totally new audience, an audience that doesn’t yet know your quirks. So play it safe by putting forward your very best.
What should I say in my guest blogging pitch email?
That’s always the number #1 question that bloggers ask me when it comes to guest posting. My advice is to always be friendly in a non-creepy way? For example, here’s a totally non-creepy email template to show that you are interested in guest posting:Hi <insert correctly spelled name >,
I’m Chrystie from Living for Naptime and I’ve been a reader of your blog & follower on Pinterest for a while now and recently noticed that you accept guest blog posts. I came up with a few ideas that might be a great fit for your blog and I would love the opportunity to contribute one of these articles:
– Great idea #1
– Great idea #2
– Great idea #3
Thanks for your consideration, looking forward to hearing from you!
Now if you’ve done the social media commenting (aka stalking) and following, your name should be familiar to the blog editor, giving you an even better chance at getting a response!
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