Saturday 15 April 2017

5 Amazing Remedies for Premature Gray Hair

Premature graying of hair is a nightmare for most of the women and young adults, as it makes them look older than they actually are. Melanin is a pigment that is responsible for the hair color. The melanocytes inject melanin into the cortex of your hair shaft to give a natural dark color.

But due to aging and nutritional deficiencies, the production of melanin will be reduced (or stopped) and the melanocyte will be slow down its activity which in turn results in grey or white hair.

Genetics, hormonal imbalances, stress, smoking, pollution, nutritional deficiencies (iron, copper, vitamin A & B, iodine), usage of unsuitable hair products, improper hair care, certain medications and diseases (like anemia, cold, thyroid and sinus disorders), etc. will cause premature gray hair.

Instead of using those harmful chemical laden commercial hair colors or going to the salon, just give a trial to some natural remedies at home to get back your natural hair color.

Home Remedies for Premature Graying of Hair:

Here are the best time-tested natural remedies that give a natural color to your hair. Follow them regularly along with the intake of nutritious diet and proper hair care.

Method – 1: (Indian Gooseberry)

Indian gooseberry (or amla) has rich content of vitamin C and antioxidants that help to treat various hair problems that include grey hair. It promotes healthy hair growth and revitalizes the hair pigmentation to prevent premature gray hair.
  • Dry some gooseberry pieces and grind them to a powder form.
  • Then put 2 teaspoons of amla powder, 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds powder and 1 cup of organic coconut oil in a pan placed over a low flame.
  • Heat it for a couple of minutes and slightly cool the oil.
  • Pour it in an airtight container and apply it on your scalp at night before bedtime.
  • Massage gently and rinse off in the next morning with warm water.
  • Repeat it regularly till you get rid of the premature grey hair.

  • Or mix equal quantities of amla juice and almond oil (or coconut oil) by adding a little lemon juice. Apply it on the scalp and rinse off after 1 – 2 hours to get rid of premature graying of hair.
  • Or mix 1 tablespoon each of amla powder and black sesame seeds and 2 tablespoons of bhringaraja in 1 cup of warm milk. Stir well and drink it twice daily.
  • Also, consume this gooseberry (or) apply amla oil or its pulp on the hair regularly to get rid of the problem.


Method – 2: (Curry Leaves)

Curry leaves have vitamin A that retain the original color to your hair and revitalize your hair pigment to promote healthy hair growth with its natural color. Coconut oil helps to moisture and stimulates the hair growth. So, this process works as a great hair tonic.
  • Pour a handful of fresh curry leaves in 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and boil it for few minutes till they charred.
  • Strain the oil and massage it gently on your scalp and hair.
  • Rinse off after 30 – 45 minutes using shampoo and lukewarm water.
  • Repeat the process for once or twice a week till you get relief from the gray hair.
  • Or add 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper powder, 12 leaves each of basil and curry leaves and 2 crushed amla in a pan filled with 1 cup of coconut oil. Simmer for 20 – 30 minutes and cool the oil. Apply it on the hair and rinse off with water after 3 hours.
  • Or extract 1/2 cup of juice from crushed curry leaves and mix it in 1/2 cup of buttermilk. Boil for 5 – 7 minutes over a low flame and cool it. Massage this mix on the scalp and rinse off with water after 30 minutes.
  • Also, include curry leaves in your diet like drinking curry leave juice or buttermilk (by mixing curry leaves and lemon juice).


Method – 3: (Henna)

Henna is a natural hair colorant that not only darkens your hair but also strengthens and conditions your hair to glow with its natural hair color.
  • Grind a handful of henna leaves into a paste form and add 3 teaspoons of amla powder, 1 teaspoon of coffee powder and some yogurt in it.
  • Stir well and spread this as a mask evenly on the hair.
  • Rinse off with shampoo after it dry and repeat the same for once in 2 – 3 weeks.
  • Or boil some henna leaves in coconut oil (or mustard oil) till the leaves turn to black and use this oil as hair oil.
  • Also, mix some henna powder in hot black coffee till you get a yogurt consistency. Cover it and keep it aside for few hours. Then apply it on the hair and rinse off with shampoo after 2 – 3 hours.


Method – 4: (Onion Juice)

The main reason for gray hair is the buildup of hydrogen peroxide at the base of your hair follicles and also reduction of catalase (a natural antioxidant compound). Onion juice will promote the production of catalase along with removing the scalp buildup to get rid of grey hair.
  • Apply freshly extracted onion juice on all over the scalp and massage it gently.
  • Let it sit for about 30 – 60 minutes and rinse off with water.
  • Also, you can add some lemon juice in this onion juice before applying on the hair.
  • Continue the same process daily for few weeks till you get back your natural hair color.


Method – 5: (Diet Plan)

  • Consume foods that are rich in vitamins (A, C & B), proteins, zinc, and copper to increase the production of melanin which in turn delays the gray hair.
  • Intake of iron-rich foods like red meat, wheat, beef, eggs, sunflower seeds, dried apricots, etc. in your diet will prevent the premature graying of your hair.
  • Avoid fatty foods, fried or processed foods, salt, caffeine, refined sugar and alcohol.
  • Consume more of fresh fruits and vegetables (leafy greens), carrot juice and water (or other healthy drinks).
  • Include antioxidant-rich foods to detoxify your hair and prevent it from damage or graying.

Tips and Precautions:

  1. Boil 1/2 cup each of dried rosemary and sage in 2 cups of water. Sit for a couple of hours and strain it to use as a hair rinse after shampoo. Go for a final rinse after 15 – 20 minutes with normal water.
  2. Blackstrap molasses is rich in copper and iron which in turn used for the production of hair pigment. So, consume 1 tablespoon of blackstrap molasses in every morning for few months to get rid of gray hair.
  3. Black sesame seeds promote melanocytes to produce more of melanin to prevent gray hair. It is rich in iron, copper, calcium, protein and magnesium. So, eat 1 teaspoon of black sesame seeds daily or apply sesame oil on your hair to get natural black hair.
  4. Amaranth prevents premature hair graying and hair loss. Apply amaranth leaves juice (or paste) on your hair and rinse off after 2 hours with water. Do it thrice a week regularly.
  5. Avoid over drying of your hair, usage of harsh chemicals and go for a regular warm oil massage to your scalp to get rid of the premature graying hair.
  6. Wear a hat or scarf while going out to prevent any loss of moisture and also take shower after swimming in chlorinated pools.
  7. Soak 1 cup of dried ribbed gourd pieces in 1 cup of coconut oil for 3 days and boil it for 6 – 8 minutes. Strain the oil and apply it on the scalp at night before bedtime. Wash off in the morning.
Hope you’ll give a trial to these remedies and share your experience with us.


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