Monday 3 April 2017

12 places to share your blog post after you hit publish

Places to share your blog post, social media platforms, blog tips

Do you feel like you are sharing your blog posts to the same old place over and over again? Maybe you feel like you are missing great opportunities, but you are not quite sure where to share your posts? We all agree that every blogger wants more traffic to their blog, but we don't want spend hours marketing our post.

 Please note that this post may contain affiliate links. This means that if you purchase something from that affiliate link, I will get a commission. I only recommend items that I use in my own business.

Just so you understand me, you don't have to share your blog to all the social media platforms. Why? Because you probably don't want to spend your whole week marketing your blog posts but most importantly choose the platforms where your ideal readers are. This is the key to an effective marketing strategy. Be present where your ideal readers are. Don't try to follow the next idea, the new platform if your ideal readers will not hang out there.

So you might wonder where your ideal readers are? The most efficient way to finding out is to ask them directly. You can send an email to your list, you can ask on your Facebook page or Facebook groups. I also recommend trying a new platform once in a while. Try a new platform (for at least one month) that you think your ideal client with hang out there. You might be surprised to find new readers.

I don't share all my blog posts with my email list, but once in a while, I share a blog post that I think my list will like. When I do this, I always share it with my subscribers before I even share to any other platform. I want my subscribers to feel like they are my priority and get the best content before everyone. If you don't have an email list or not sure why you should have one, read my blog post on how to start an email list.


100 million active monthly users (statistic 2016)
Pinterest is usually my first social media platform where I share my content. This is my number one way of getting traffic to my blog. You can read my Pinterest strategy here. I also do this first to make sure my graphic and description look right before I share my blog post everywhere.

I share my content to one of a board that I created that contain all my blog posts. So again people that follow that board will receive the new blog post first.

Pinterest collaboration boards

Pinterest group boards are an excellent way to reach more people that don't necessarily follow my boards. It's where I get the most share and traffic to my site. I like to schedule my new article over a couple of days, so I don't feel like spamming people with my new blog post.

Facebook fans page

1.8 billion people log on Facebook daily (statistic 2016)

Another place that I like to share my content is to my Facebook fans page. You probably notice like me (because of the new Facebook algorithm) that reaching your followers on your Facebook page can be hard. I still share my content there first because I feel like those people decide to follow my page, I must give them great value content before I try to reach new readers.

Facebook groups

Facebook groups are one of the strategies that been working great for me, not only to grow my blog traffic but also to increase my email list. If you are not using Facebook groups to build your blog, you are missing on something big. The problem that I see often is bloggers tend only to follow groups for bloggers and share their blog on the weekly threads. This can give you traffic, but if you are a travel blogger, fashion or lifestyle bloggers good chance that your ideal readers will not be another blogger. Follow groups that are relevant to your blog.


317 million monthly users (statistic 2016)

I have to admit that Twitter can sometimes be frustrated. If you think you can just share a blog post and leave, I'm sorry to say but this will not get you so much traffic. On Twitter, you need to share your content often and interact with other to gain followers and traffic.


500 million active monthly users (statistic 2016)

I have to admit that I still have a lot to learn to increase traffic and momentum on Instagram.  If you have a more visual blog like travel, fashion or beauty you need to try Instagram.

Google +

300 million active monthly users (statistic 2016)

Google + is one of those platforms that I don't master every aspect, but one thing I know is that every time I share my blog post I get several visitors from it. Also, I notice that when I share my blog post on Google + I see my post showing sooner on search engines. I definitively recommend having a Google + account no matter what niche you are.

Do you want to know the EXACT steps I use everyday to promote my blog? Click on the image below to receive my 4 blog checklists: Blog post before and after you hit publish checklist and my daily and weekly tasks to promote my blog checklist. 

LinkedIn groups

467 million users (statistic 2016)
LinkedIn groups can be a new place to connect not only with people in your niche but also new readers for your blog. Like most social media platform, I don't think that LinkedIn is for every blogger, but if your blog is for professional workers, I recommend to take a look at this platform.


Social bookmarking like StumbleUpon, Digg, Delicious, Reddit, Tumblr or can help you reach new readers. I usually don't spend much time on those platforms, but I see a good return of traffic especially when someone shares my blog post on StumbleUpon. Those type of blog promotion shouldn't be neglected.

Comments on other blog posts

Comments on other blog posts can help you gain new readers. This must be done in the right way. Don't just add your blog URL and leave. Instead, use this opportunity to connect with a new audience and share your expertise. I am much more inclined to click on a link if I see the person adding significant value to the post.

Facebook live, Periscope, Quick video

I add this section because I think with a little extra effort, you can reach at lot more readers by doing a quick informal video or live video. I think the best way to do this, is to create a video that will explain a strategy, a tip or two and encourage the viewer that want more information to go over your blog post. I used to promote my new blog post on Periscope, but I saw that less of my ideal client using this platform. Soon, I'm planning to do some quick videos or Facebook lives to test a new market.

I want to hear from you. Which platforms are you using to share your blog post?

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