Friday 17 March 2017

Unbelievable Fat Burning Spices You Never Heard Before!

Weight loss is one of the biggest problems to many people. While for some the purpose behind weight loss could be medical reasons, for some it’s the matter of physical appearance. Whatever the reason it is, weight loss has proved to be one of the greatest challenges for many people. Well, you’d not feel the same after reading this article of fat burning spices. Endless weight reducing pills are a pain to many as they carry too much side effects along with them. Would you be surprised if I told you weight loss is a really easy thing to achieve if you know the right tricks? Well, there are!

You just need to know the right tricks and the right way of following such tricks to lose a considerable amount of weight. We bring you top fat burning spices that’ll aid weight loss. These spices to lose weight not only hold a place in Ayurvedic techniques of losing weight but are also being researched upon in the recent past. Why opt for costly chemical weight loss treatments when you can easily get rid of some pounds of weight by just adding these fat burning spices to your diet.

 No more ado! Let’s get started! Grab the amazing fat burning spices that’ll help you to lose weight in the most effective way!

What Spices Help You Lose Weight?

Fat Burning Spices

Well, that’s the first question that would cross your mind. Here’s a small list of best spices for weight loss. I’m mentioning the list in prior because for many people, some spices are allergic. Thus choose your favourite spice and read on how to lose weight with their help in the following paragraphs. Check out the list.

Best Fat Burning Spices

  • Black pepper
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginger
  • Mustard
  • Turmeric
  • Cumin
  • Cardamom
  • Garlic
Now read on how exactly would these fat burning spices help you in weight loss and the best ways of using them for achieving weight loss fast. You can also have combined effects of the spices for weight loss by adopting the usage of more than 2 spices. Let’s get started Weight loss with natural remedies by using spices.

1. Black Pepper

Black pepper that’s used in most of the Indian dishes is proved to be an amazing fat burning spices. It has a component called the piperine that is responsible for blocking the formation of fat cells.

Especially when the pepper is combined with capsaicin, it can burn around as many calories that can be burnt by a vigorous 20 minutes of running or 30 minutes of brisk walking. What can be the happier way of burning those stubborn calories if not for pepper?

Using pepper on a regular basis will burn down your calories and give you a beautiful personality. Shed off those calories by spicing up your fruit salad or a vegetable salad with black pepper. Another easy way of including pepper in the diet is by using it in the tomato soup. It can be added to almost all the soups. It not only enhances the taste but also helps you in maintaining a healthy body.

2. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is one of the best spices to lose weight. It is listed in the ancient Ayurvedic techniques in increasing the metabolism rate. Research have shown that cinnamon helps for blood regulation by making it an ideal seasoning for different kinds of foods. Cinnamon has properties that help in reducing the blood sugar levels. Thus, it is often recommended for the patients who suffer from diabetes. It is especially the best spice for type 2 diabetes. The metabolism rates will increase greatly which will help you in shedding extra fat and calories. Time to say bye to the steroids that you take for more exercising. Intake of cinnamon is the healthy way of increasing the metabolism rate.

3. Ginger

Ginger had been regarded as the best fat burning spice in the ancient Chinese medicine. Recently, it has been proved by the researchers that this warming spice is rich in anti-inflammatory properties that help in relaxing the intestinal tract. Ginger also has the properties of thermogenic activities that helps in boosting the metabolism rate.

The best of consuming ginger is by way of adding it to your everyday salads. In a bowl full of vegetables, you can add a tablespoon of crushed ginger. If this idea doesn’t sound good to you, no worries. There is another way of consuming it. The ginger tea recipe is pretty simple and it tastes really good. Weight loss shouldn’t be a pain with this amazing ginger tea. There are 2 ways of preparing ginger tea. Method 1 is by adding crushed ginger to your regular cup of tea or coffee. The better way of doing it is by adding 1 tablespoon of crushed fresh ginger to a cup of green tea that’s prepared by adding mint leaves, coriander leaves, curry leaves. Drinking this ginger green tea twice a day for at least 2 to 3 weeks will shed off many unnecessary calories.

4. Mustard

The mustard plant which belongs to the cruciferous family of the vegetables is one of the top vegetable plants that helps in weight loss. This simple ingredient that’s present in almost every Indian kitchen is under looked and many people aren’t even aware of its amazing weight loss benefits. It boosts the rate of metabolism to a great extent. Studies have revealed that intake of 3 to 4 tablespoons of mustard on a regular basis will burn an extra 40 calories everyday. Coupled with other fat burning spices, it can give amazing results.


Turmeric has been on the list of weight loss ingredients since times immemorial in Indian Ayurvedic system. Curcumin is one of the active ingredients found in turmeric that is known to reduce and slow down the process of fat tissues formation. It helps in suppressing blood vessels and this helps in contributing to lower body fat. Turmeric also helps in better digestion. It acts as the fibre that helps in avoiding problems like constipation. Better digestion coupled with good metabolic rate helps in avoiding the accumulation of fat on the sides of the body or in the liver or kidney. For most of the people who wants to lose weight, this turns out to be the biggest problem. The fat that’s accumulated on the sides of the body can be easily gotten rid of by the usage of turmeric.

The easiest way of consuming turmeric is by adding it to a glass of milk with sugar. Drink this turmeric milk everyday for at least 3 weeks to see noticeable results in your weight. You can also directly eat turmeric by mixing it with honey. Regardless of the way in which you consume turmeric, just make sure you consume at least 2 tablespoons of turmeric everyday for 3 weeks to see effective results.

6. Cumin

Cumin is one of the top fat burning spices that’s listed in ancient Chinese methods of reducing weight. Cumin seeds for weight loss are been in practice for a long time. It helps in reducing the stress levels to a great extent. Wondering how that’s related to weight loss? Well, a decrease in stress levels reduces the tendency to eat more. There are almost 40% of people who put on weight as a result of binge eating. If you too are a binge eater, then you must definitely be looking out for cumin seeds. The biggest reason behind binge eating is high-stress levels and cumin can effectively fight that tendency. Cumin has a large history of excellent medicinal value and is used in improving the immune system of the body.

7. Cardamom

Cardamom is yet another thermogenic herb that improves the metabolism rate. Besides, the most interesting factor about the cardamom benefits is that has the ability to burn the excessive fat that’s deposited near the stomach and liver area. Cardamom which is very aromatic spice can be added to different dishes including the sweet dishes. It has a great aroma that’ll satisfy your taste buds. So, by using the cardamom for burning the fat, weight loss wouldn’t seem a hard task at all! If you don’t want to crack your head by adding it to your daily dishes, there’s another simple way. You can simply add it to warm water with a pinch of salt and sugar. Drink this water every day for 4 weeks to see amazing results. You can reduce up to 4 kgs per month by following this trick.

8. Garlic

Garlic is yet another simple way of reducing weight. Garlic for weight loss is specified in home based remedies of reducing weight in an Ayurvedic system. It has properties that’ll help in burning the side fat very quickly. Many people who are obese have the common problem of stomach tyres that adds up to their heavyweight. By consuming garlic, you can directly target at fighting that particular problem of burning the stomach tyres. It can be added to your everyday dishes. If you’re a fan of green tea, you can add crushed garlic to it and drink it everyday. Although it doesn’t taste yummy, it is going to benefit you in achieving your weight loss targets.

They were some of the fat burning spices that’ll aid in weight loss. With the home made remedies, one most important thing to note is to have patience. You can’t expect results within a week of usage. The magical fat burning spices would take their time to show the magic. Wait for the magic to happen patiently and you’ll be mind blown by the results! So, make your pick and choose your favourite fat burning spice to lose weight quickly!

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