Woman pregnant in bed. PHOTO: Jaruma.net
Sadly for the victims, with the agony of losing their babies often come the mockery of others, the rejection of friends and family and even stigmatisation by the society. Although, prolonged obstructed labour is the single most causal factor for obstetric fistula, there are other factors, like female genital mutilation (FGM), surgeries, girl-child marriage, among others. However, many communities, especially in the rural areas often associate the problem with witchcraft or other myths.
Experts say that the best way out of obstetric fistula is prevention, avoiding a child giving birth to a child, pregnant women attending regular antenatal care, hospital delivery, uptake of family planning methods, zero practise of FGM, good and proper nutrition during the upbringing of a female child as well as during pregnancy, and through awareness campaigns. However, if it occurs, it is treatable as about 5,000 cases are surgically repaired yearly in Nigeria, leaving a negative balance of 7,000 victims per year, who are either not aware that there exist surgical interventions that can correct the health issue or are unaware that there are centres for free treatment.
Notwithstanding, it is heart-warming that some states in northern Nigeria are collaborating with the United Nations Fund for Population Activities, UNFPA, in the campaign to end obstetric fistula and help prevent, treat, rehabilitate and reintegrate women and girls who have fallen victim. But these efforts would seem insufficient, hence the 12,000 cases still recorded yearly. Putting an end to obstetric fistula is, therefore, a priority and all stakeholders should intensify efforts towards its elimination within this generation by addressing the circumstances that perpetuate it, which include poverty, lack of access to health care, child marriage and early childbearing.
Also, the community service programmes of the wives of public officials should turn their searchlights on obstetric fistula prevention, treatment and management by advocating, mobilizing support and expanding access to treatment. In addition, because information is quite important in this battle, the relevant ministries and agencies, the Federal Ministry of Health, Federal Ministry of Women Affairs, Federal Ministry of Information and Culture and the National Orientation Agency should embark on intensive campaigns, especially using radio and community mobilisation towards the prevention, treatment and management of obstetric fistula.
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