Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Top 10 Vitamins for Women : Essential For Healthy functioning of The Body!

In today’s hectic and stressful life, health has become a very important factor to be considered. With the women entering the workforce and having the pressure of equal competition to men in terms of career and opportunities, there is a growing necessary to work harder. The harder the women work, the more their health suffers. Therefore, it is very essential for women to become more health conscious and take good care of themselves. A healthy body can be maintained with a well-balanced diet that involves all the top 10 vitamins for Women that are required by the body.

Vitamins are organic compounds that are essential to the proper and healthy functioning of the body. There a group of vitamins that are essential and each plays a different function in the body. Following is the list of top 10 vitamins for women that are all required in the correct proportion to the body.

Top 10 Vitamins for Women

Top 10 Vitamins for Women

1. Vitamin A

Considered to be one of the best multivitamin for women, Vitamin A comes under the category of anti-oxidant vitamins. Vitamin A is essential for strengthening bones, maintaining the muscles, and reducing risk of chronic illness. It also plays a major role in improving eyesight, fights signs of ageing and boosts the overall immune system in women. Foods like carrot, tomatoes, watermelons, spinach, eggs, guava, papaya, milk and cereals are rich in Vitamin A.

2. Vitamin B2

Also commonly called as riboflavin, Vitamin B2 is one of the top 10 vitamins for Women. Vitamin B2 helps produce and regulate hormones in the body that is essential in reducing chronic heart diseases and memory loss. Vitamin B2 is also known to regulate and maintain blood sugar levels in the body. Rich sources of Vitamin B2 include green leafy vegetables, mushrooms, whole grains, soya bean and almonds.

3. Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is also called as Pyridoxine and considered to be the top choices among the list of top 10 vitamins for Women. Vitamin B6 boosts the haemoglobin levels in your body, reduces morning sickness in pregnant women, reduce anxiety, stress and fatigue. Some of the best choices of foods rich in Vitamin B6 include meat, fish, beans, fortified cereals, oatmeal, bananas and avocados.

4. Vitamin B7

Vitamin B7, more commonly called as Biotin is important for the synthesis of fatty acids and promotes cell growth in the body. Vitamin B7 promotes healthy growth of hair, skin and nails. It is required to maintain normal cholesterol levels in the body. Foods rich in Vitamin B7 are carrots, sweet potatoes, yellow fruits, peppers, egg yolk, milk, cheese and yoghurt.

5. Vitamin B9

Vitamin B9 is one of the best multivitamin for women. It is also called folic acid and helps prevent blood pressure, depression, memory loss and heart diseases. It is also majorly known to improve fertility in women and improves fetal development during pregnancy. Deficiency in Vitamin B9 is said to cause neural defects in the foetus. Consume foods like eggs, fortified grains, dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, melons, oranges and strawberries that rich in Vitamin B9.

6. Vitamin B12

Another essential multivitamin for women is the Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is essential for normal protein synthesis, cell division and proper metabolism in the body. Vitamin B12 also enables the proper functioning of the brain and helps to maintain a healthy nervous system. Vitamin B12 deficiency is known to lead to depression, neurodegenerative disorders and inflammation in the body. Best sources of Vitamin B12 are eggs, fish, meat, yoghurt, cheese and cereals.

7. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the best women’s health vitamins because it is an immunity booster. Vitamin C promotes tissue growth and helps the process of healing in the body. It also plays a role in the formation of red blood cells.  Foods rich in Vitamin C include are oranges, kiwi, potatoes, strawberries, tomatoes and sprouts.

8. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the best vitamins as it is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a major role in the absorption of calcium. It helps in the strengthening the bones and muscles and reduces different forms of arthritis in the longer run. Vitamin D also helps in preventing the formation of bone cancer in women. Vitamin D is also most commonly known to reduce pre-syndrome symptoms in women. The best source of Vitamin D is natural sunlight. Daily and healthy exposure to sunlight helps you absorb the adequate amounts of Vitamin D in the body. Foods rich in Vitamin D include eggs, liver, milk and cereals.

9. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is one of the best top 10 vitamins for Women as it has anti-ageing properties. Vitamin E fights cell damage, reduces symptoms of ageing and reduces the natural process in women. It is also known to improve cataract, prevents heart diseases and reduces memory loss. Vitamin E is also essential to maintain healthy hair and skin. Rich sources of Vitamin E include almonds, spinach, peanuts, sunflower oil, cord liver oil and hazel nuts.

10. Vitamin K

Vitamin K is a rare vitamin yet an essential multivitamin for women. Vitamin K is majorly known for its blood clotting properties in the body. It accelerates the formation of bones and reduces the risk of heart diseases. Vitamin K is also essential for a healthy immune system. Foods rich in Vitamin K are fish oil, soybean oil, whole grains and green leafy vegetables.

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