Statue of Marcus Aurelius
Many great thinkers have devoted their time to trying
to understand the ideal society; laying out a system of government,
values, and behavior, practiced in their utopia. Few, if any, of these
thinkers ever had a chance to directly enact their ideas. While the
ideas of great thinkers are often cited by leaders, there are only rare
moments when a concept in a Utopian vision is given a real, concrete,
But what happens when those moments arrive? They are
few and far between, but they do occur. Often we get only bits and
pieces of a utopia put into practice, but even these moments can be
In the original Utopian book, Republic, Plato lays out the idea of a city state lead by Philosopher Kings, stating “Until philosophers are kings....cities will never have rest from their evils”.
Luckily for us, there is a clear example of this being put into action,
when the Roman Empire was lead by a Philosopher King: Marcus Aurelius
So, how did it go? What was it like to have one of the key ideas of one of the greatest minds in history enacted in one of the greatest empires the world has ever seen? It kind of depends on who you ask.
So, how did it go? What was it like to have one of the key ideas of one of the greatest minds in history enacted in one of the greatest empires the world has ever seen? It kind of depends on who you ask.
Marcus Aurelius was the last of the “Five Good Emperors”; a series of rulers so excellent that in his masterpiece The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Gibbion declared: “If
a man were called to fix the period in the history of the world during
which the condition of the human race was most happy and prosperous, he
would, without hesitation, name that which elapsed from the death of
Domitian to the accession of Commodus”.
His title of philosopher is simple to justify. He composed a series of personal notes as a book known today as “Meditations”. Universally regarded as an outstanding work in the stoic tradition,
offering advice to the reader- only intended to be himself -on how to
engage with the world with virtue and reason. It has influenced
philosophy since it’s creation, appearing in the work of Immanuel Kant over one and a half millennia later. It continues to guide thinking to this day.
But perhaps his greatest claim to being a stoic
philosopher is found when one realizes that he wrote most of the
meditations while on the battlefields at the edges of the civilized
world, finding nightly solace in philosophy to escape from the daily
chaos of war. A better example of stoicism in action is difficult to
He was not quite perfect, however. He oversaw
extensive persecution of Christians during his reign. Being the first
emperor in nearly a century to have a living son capable of succeeding
him, he supported the right of that son, Commodus, to rule. Commodus was
regarded as megalomaniacal, arbitrary, and unvirtuous; he was
assassinated and declared a public enemy by the Senate after his death.
During his reign he had a slight obsession with him naming things after
himself, including the legions, the months of the year, and the city of
Rome itself. The fact that the virtuous Marcus Aurelius would endorse
this person for absolute ruler is perhaps his greatest failure.
So, should we or should we not start to take a little more of Plato’s advice on politics?
Perhaps we should not, as Austro-British philosopher Karl Popper blamed
the idea of the Philosopher King for justifying the totalitarian
regimes of the 20th century. Even the philosopher king himself didn’t
see fit to carry out Plato’s ideas to their full, totalitarian, extent.
While Plato recommended state censorship of bedtime stories and bans on
music in depressing modes, Marcus Aurelius was praised for allowing
direct ridicule of himself in stage productions to go unpunished; an
unusually high amount of free speech at the time.
In the end, Plato’s ideal society would make modern readers shudder. But even considering the ideas of this great thinker can help us improve the societies around us.
Even while few would endorse moving to Plato’s ideal city, they would
all endorse studying what works, what doesn’t, and if it can be
recreated elsewhere. The life of Marcus Aurelius reminds us that we can
learn and benefit from the idea of a perfect country, even if we don't
accept all of it.
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