2. Jyoti Amge - The world shortest woman, she is an india and 22years old, her weight is 62.8cm (2ft 0.6in) and she has growth abnormality called achondroplasia.
She has both featured in the America Horror story called Freak Show (2014) and a documentary entitled Body Shock called Two Foot Tall Teen (2009).
3. Mikel Ruffinelli - A woman with the large hips, she has bottom larger than Kim Kardashian's, she hold the record of the widest hip in the world, Her weight is more than 420pounds (190kg).
4.Valeria Lukyanova - She is a world know barbie girl, have a boob jobs and uses extensive makeup contact lenses, that is why she is looking like a doll.
5. Mandy Sellers - She is from United Kingdom with the worlds biggest legs, she was born with the fastest legs and feet and Doctor couldnt really diagonized what the ailment is.
She know that her disease have know cure and always spend alot of time on the wheel chair because of her weight legs.
6. Abigail & Brittancy Hensel - She is a girl with two heads i.e they are conjoined twins, they are sharing a body and have two seperate heads.
Each twins have a seperate heart, spine, stomach and spinal cord, each girls is able to eat and write simultabeously.
7. Kristina Rei - She is a russian girl with the buggest lips and she wanted to look like Jessica Rabbit so she got over 100 injetions to have the biggest lips.
8. Jasmine Tridevil - She is a lady with three boobs and she almost $20000 for the plastic surgery.
9. Julia Gnuse - She is the most tattored woman in the world, she has 95% of her body covered in tattoos including her face as well because of a diease called porphyria, a condition in which sunlight results in blistering of her skins.
10. Charity Pierce - She is the largest woman in the entire universe, she is an America and live in Houston Texas, She is 39years old and weight about 778pounds.
Her daughter is the one helping her in doing everything because she cant do anything by herself and She found a Doctor who specialized in Weight-loss surgery for patients of her size.
okay you can also post your trends throughout the other comment boxs, thanks