Are you somebody who does regular exercise without fail? Which workouts are very exciting and you are never bored to do it every day? Time and again we have been advised that doing physical activity along with nutritionally balanced diet always result in healthy living. Doing some kind of exercise every day has become a kind of necessity, considering the spurt in health consciousness. But sometimes we do get bored with our routine fitness regime. Here, we will discuss some fun workouts that you will definitely enjoy.

I personally don’t do gyming or running on a trend mill but one of the favorite fun workouts have been skipping or dancing on any jazzy tunes. Physical activity which has a fun element involved will never make you feel bored and is always a great way of getting into shape where you will always feel motivated to exercise regularly.

Fun workouts surely love to do everyday

Fun Workouts

Hence let’s see those activities that can spice up your current regimen and add tanginess to your fitness schedule.

1. Hula Hooping

You would be wondering how spinning a hoop around your waist would help you to get into shape. A lot or if you be specific, hooping burns approximately 7 calories per minute. It is a good cardiovascular workout if hooping is done for about 8 minutes. A complete core workout that can carve your waist and strengthen the stomach muscles and improve the flexibility of the spine. A moderate intense physical activity involves hooping for 20 minutes a day.

Prefer a heavy, large hoop that reaches your chest or waist when you stand it on its sides. Hold the hoops firmly with your hands placed apart at a comfortable distance. Bring the hula hoop to your waist level and step one foot in front of another for balance and your knees bent, spin the hula hoop around the waist in back and front or side to side movements.


2. Rope Jumping

This exercise has been my personal favorite and makes you feel like a kid again. Highly affordable and totally portable, you can do these fun workouts anywhere or anytime. You just need a thin plastic or cloth rope that you can buy from a sports store. A full body cardiovascular workout, it helps to strengthen your muscles and bones and improves the coordination and rhythm.

Jumping at a moderate rate burns about 10 to 16 calories per minute or 15 minutes jumping on the rope burns up to 200 calories.Before you skip, wear a good pair of cross trainers to take in the impact of the balls of the feet. Bend your body slightly forward, feet close together and arms close to the sides, jump over the rope and see to it that you land on the balls of your feet. Go for three 10 minute workouts every week.

3. Belly Dancing

If you are aiming for a tighter midsection and flatter and stronger abs, why not swivel your hips with belly dancing? Belly dancing is always a break from your daily gym routine. Of course, you can’t just get up and do it by yourself. You need an expert supervision that can guide and teach you to perform this form of art. Belly dancing contribute to flexibility, toned abs, better posture and flatter belly.

Apart from cardiovascular fitness, it is always been an exercise for stomach, chest, and legs. Belly dancing is a fast dance where roughly about 260 to 320 calories are burned for less intense versions and 290 to 360 calories are burned for faster versions.

4. Zumba

If you love to dance then Zumba is the best option. A workout is never felt like a workout when you are doing a Zumba. Zumba is like a social dance party with fun workouts & fitness being the prime attraction. A major calorie and fat burner, Zumba blends the footwork with moves from salsa, flamenco and other dance styles that sculpt the body. This aerobic activity strengthens the calf muscles and ankles and touches every muscle and joint of our body.

This dance makes reach the target heart rate much easier than any workouts. Of course, Zumba moves need to be learned under a trainer or by joining a class. But it is such an activity where you will love to learn over and over again.

Calories burned during Zumba may be around 500 to 1,000 calories per hour depending on few factors. Now that’s a good amount of an hourly activity. One hour might seem to be a long time to do, but once you start Zumba; its moves and energy are so exciting and interesting that you will not come to know how this one hour has passed. And mind you, Zumba can be done by everyone of all ages.

There are several workouts for lean body, some of these are here you can easily achieve the dream of getting a lean body in just 1 month.

5. Roller Skating

Tired of running or jogging every day? Why not put on your skates and roll over on the surface. Sounds fun, right?  Roller skating can be done anywhere, even in your neighborhood. Skating maintains the fluid motion that will protect you from damaging the joints and helps you enjoy the movement similar to running or dancing.A cardio exercise, skating helps to remove the stubborn fat from the belly in a relatively short time. Skating builds strength, especially in the lower part of the body.

Stronger muscles and coordination work together to remain active and prevent injuries. Of course, you need a pair of roller skates and some kind of training if you want to skate merrily and smoothly. The calorie burned by roller skating per minute is between 9 to 10 calories. Hence it’s a whopping 300 to 600 calories burn if skating is done for an hour.

Hence these exciting fun workouts seriously do their job along with adding a fun element into your exercise schedule.  Of course taking advice from doctor or workout instructor is always necessary before starting any of the above workouts, especially if you are suffering from any condition. Thus if conventional exercise methods are boring and miserable, then get up and try your hand in any of these exciting workouts.