Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Benefits Of Watermelon For Skin and Health During Summer!

Watermelon is like a life saver in the scorching heat of summers. Watermelon juice not only quenches your thirst in the first sip itself but also soothes your mind and body. No other soft drink or soda flavour can beat watermelon juice! Also, there are some great benefits of watermelon for skin and health.

Mother Nature has bestowed watermelons with 92 percent water and 6 percent sugar. Hence, it is juicy, sweet and has thirst-quenching abilities to the maximum. It refreshes your mind in a few seconds.

Following are the nutrients contained in our favourite fruit, watermelon.
  • Vitamins, including A, B1, B5, B6 and C
  • Iron
  • Manganese
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Amino acids
Loaded with only 46 calories, people can consume it wholeheartedly. There are excellent benefits of watermelon for skin and health. Let us go through some of them.

Benefits Of Watermelon For Skin and Health

Benefits Of Watermelon For Skin and Health

Watermelon for Health

  • Eating a watermelon will keep you hydrated all day long. It balances the water content in the body. You are consuming fibre along with water and little sugar. Hence, you are on the right side of the health track.
  • It is rich in antioxidants and loaded with all the significant nutrients such as carotenoids.
  • The special plant compounds comprised in watermelon help in fighting against cancerous diseases, particularly of the digestive organs. It also restricts tumor growth.
  • Watermelons have the capabilities of reducing blood pressure levels. It improves health of cardiovascular organs.
  • Due to its anti-inflammatory nature, watermelons help in reducing oxidative damage.
  • It protects the health of eyes because of the antioxidants contained in it. Aged people are risked to suffer from eye related disorders. Watermelons reduce such as risks.
  • Watermelons help in reducing soreness of muscles. During exercises, our muscles are stretched and need some kind of energy to recover. If watermelon juice is consumed after a fitness regime, then it will definitely ease the stretch on muscles.
  • Due to the high content of fibre and water in watermelons, they ease the process of food digestion. It will help in removing out waste materials from the body, facilitating regular bowel movements.
  • As a watermelon is comprised of only 46 calories, it is a best food for people undergoing weight loss. It is advisable if you have a plate of watermelon slices or drink watermelon juice on a daily basis. It will keep your stomach full and not make you hungry all the time. However, do not add sugar in the watermelon juice as it may add calories.
Watermelon Benefits that Banish Away 5 Common Skin Problems…

Watermelons for Beauty

  • Eating watermelons will provide necessary moisture, nutrients, and hydration to your skin, making it healthy and lustrous. However, if a watermelon is applied externally, then it can make it flawless and glow in a few weeks.
  • The water content in watermelons is useful for constant hydration of the skin. It is a natural moisturizing agent for the skin.
  • Due to the amazing cooling and soothing elements, watermelons helps in reducing sunburn and irritation due to the harmful UV rays and pollution. You can dab watermelon juice on your face after a long, sunny day and feel refresh and cool!
  • Our skin gets damaged due to sun resulting into freckles, dark spots, fine lines, wrinkles and tan. Watermelons are the storehouses of Vitamins and minerals that will help in reducing sun-damaged skin.
  • Watermelons also act as astringent agents. Hence, it can be used as toners to remove dirt, impurities, and dust. You can use it at night time before going to bed. It will not only remove the impurities from the skin in a mild manner but also hydrate it over the night.
  • If you didn’t know before, this is another piece of good news! Watermelons can be used in face packs for curing acne related concerns. Mostly, pimples and acne erupt on the skin due to extra secretion of oil and its mixing with the sweat. During summers, it is a high concern! Watermelons will reduce the size of these pores that secrete sebum. As a result, less oil will be secreted and pimples will get reduced in a certain number of weeks. However, you need to apply it regularly on the skin.
  • The antioxidant, lycopene contained in watermelon helps in fighting against free radicals. As a result, it has anti-ageing elements. It will help you in reducing signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles in the most natural and safe way. Hence, instead of applying expensive creams that guarantee you with a young skin within a week, apply watermelon juice regularly on your face.
Here we have seen benefits of watermelon for skin and health. Further, we will see watermelon packs which are best packs for skin issues.

Watermelon Face Packs For You

On account of the summer season, we have brought few of the interesting watermelon packs for you which will soothe and heal your skin.

The first significant aspect of applying watermelon is freshness. You are supposed to extract fresh watermelon juice. Fresh means which has not been stored more than one day in the refrigerator.

Storing watermelon for a long time causes loss of nutrients and minerals.

Another important thing is to apply them throughout the summer. Watermelons can be easily mixed along with other natural ingredients or fruit juices to create healthy packs for your skin.

1. The Watermelon-Orange Juice Pack

As watermelons are available throughout the year these days, this pack can be made easily.

Mix two spoons of orange and watermelon juice in multani mitti or oatmeal powder. Apply and leave on the face for 15-20 minutes and wash it off with water.

This pack will lighten your skin tone, cool your skin, and help in fighting against skin problems like acne.

2. The Watermelon-Honey Pack

Mix watermelon juice in a spoon of honey and apply on the face. Wash if off after 10 minutes.

This pack is great for dry skin and during winter season. You skin will receive sufficient amount of moisture. Honey contained in this pack will make your skin glowing and young.

3. The Anti-Sunburn Pack

In case of sunburns during summer, this pack works excellent.

Mix equal quantities of cucumber and watermelon juice and dab on the skin regularly. You can use it on daily basis.

Cucumber and watermelon, when mixed together, will act as super-astringent and super-cooling ingredients. They will lighten your skin tone, cool and soothe the skin. This is a must application during summers to get rid of the stubborn suntan and prevent skin eruptions.

4. The Summer Cool Pack

Extract watermelon juice and add sufficient quantity of sandalwood powder into it. Make it a paste and apply on the skin. Leave it for 10-15 minutes or till it dries. Wash it off with cucumber juice or with cold water.

This pack is best during summers. Watermelon and sandalwood powder and excellent for cooling and soothing your skin. Sandalwood is a natural remedy for fighting against acne and fading away dark spots, blemishes and freckles. Watermelon also lightens the skin tone and reduces acne. Thus, both the natural ingredients work in a super powerful way on your skin, making it problem-free and beautiful.

Thus, we have seen benefits of watermelon for skin and health. Watermelon is to be eaten on a regular basis. It will help in reaping a number of health benefits. Moreover, it is a natural boon for skin problems.

Watermelon shopping needs to be must on your agenda in these summers. Add it generously in your diet regime to shed extra pounds and get a lighter and lean body. Incorporate it in your beauty closet and daily skin regime in the form of toners or face packs.

Source:  https://stylenrich.com/watermelon-benefits/

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