Friday 26 May 2017

Home Remedies To Treat Gum Diseases!

The medical term for gum diseases is gingivitis. It is a disorder that affects teeth and gums. People who suffer from gum diseases face various issues concerning their breath, gums and teeth. It becomes a totally embarrassing situation when you can’t speak or eat properly due to gum diseases. Hence we bring some best home remedies for gum disease that you should not miss to know.

Symptoms in Gum Diseases

People who suffer from gingivitis may suffer from the following symptoms.
  • Bad breath – This may be before cleaning teeth or all the time.
  • Red or bleeding or sore gums – The person’s gums may bleed and become red when he wakes up in the morning or when he eats something hot or cold.
  • Loose teeth – The person suffering from gingivitis also suffers teeth mobility. This is a serious teeth condition.
  • Thinning gums – In the severe situation, the gums may become thinner.
  • Mouth ulcers – If you experience mouth ulcers on the frequent basis, it must be because of unhealthy gums.
Home Remedies For Gum Disease

Reasons Causing Gingivitis

1. Not Maintaining Oral Hygiene

The main reason for gingivitis is not cleaning the teeth properly. The food particles keep collecting in the teeth gaps and builds plague near the gums. Plague is the collection of unnecessary bacteria surrounding teeth and gums.

2. Smoking

Smoking also causes gum related diseases. Consumption of tobacco is unhealthy for gums and teeth.

3. Lack of Nutritious Diet

Diet influences oral condition. If you are consuming too much of unhealthy foods, your gums will not receive proper nourishment.

4. Stress

Stress is one of the reasons for gingivitis.

5. Medications

Intake of certain medications due to sickness also result in bleeding of gums. These medicines are strong for teeth and gums.

6. Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes are responsible for unhealthy condition of gums.

7. Genetic Reasons

Hereditary factors are also responsible for gum diseases.

It is recommended to consult a dentist when you have certain kind of gum diseases. The doctor may prescribe medications, oral hygiene tips and treatments for getting rid of bleeding or red gums.

However, it is the responsibility of the person to take care of teeth and gums to reduce the related symptoms.

Here are certain useful home remedies for gum disease.

Home Remedies For Gum Disease

1. Gargling With Warm Water and Salt

This is one of the simplest and effective home remedies for gum disease. Take a cup of warm water and add a pinch of salt to it. Gargle mouth with this water twice or thrice a day on consistent basis. You will see the difference within a few weeks.

2. Massaging Gums

In order to increase the blood flow towards the gums, it is important to massage them on adequate basis. Your dentist may prescribe you certain gels for massaging purpose. You may even use your regular toothpaste for doing so. Massaging gums will be useful for all its parts.

3. Brushing-Rinsing-Flossing

Brush your teeth twice or thrice a day. Also, use a mouthwash that will help in fighting plague and bacteria. After eating food, we need to rinse our mouth well so that the food particles do not get stuck between teeth. For extra cleaning, floss your teeth properly with the help of dental picks. However, this dental regime needs to be followed on a consistent basis even after you get rid of gum disease.

4. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is easily available at our home. It is also a natural remedy for treating gingivitis. Fortified with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial elements, it cleanses and strengthens gums. One can massage gums with coconut oil. Another method is to mix sufficient quantity of coconut oil with a pinch of baking soda and apply on the teeth.

5. Neem (Indian Lilac)

The medical term for neem or Indian lilac is azadirachta indica. In ancient India, neem twigs were used for cleaning teeth as they are fortified with antimicrobial properties. Even today, we can use neem extract or powdered neem for massaging on gums. It will not only fight germs but will also strengthen gums. We can find recent toothpaste infused with neem extracts. Then, why not apply it in the purest form and derive the benefits of neem!

6. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree was used decades ago by the Aboriginal tribes living in Australia to treat wounds and injuries. Tea tree oil is rich in anti-inflammatory properties. It does not help in reducing plague and bacteria but helps in reducing red or bleeding gums. One can purchase toothpaste fortified with tea tree oil to derive benefits. Alternatively, you can even put a few dashes of tea tree oil on your toothpaste and brush teeth with it twice in a day. You can even dilute few drops of tea tree oil in sufficient quantity of water to use it as a mouthwash. However, remember that tea tree oil should not be swallowed.

7. Mint

Infused with germicidal properties, mint reduces growth of plague and bacteria on teeth and gums. It cleanses teeth and gums. You must have noticed that mouth fresheners are usually comprised of mint due to their fragrance. Thus, it not only cleanses teeth but also maintains nice fresh breath.

8. Lemon

Lemon is an important natural remedy for providing strength to the gums. Loaded with Vitamin C content, lemon juice treats gum infections and related diseases such as gingivitis. It is easy and simple to use lemon juice as a remedy. Extract juice out of lemons and add a pinch of salt to it. One may also add a pinch of baking soda to it. Make it a paste and apply on teeth like toothbrush. Rinse your mouth with sufficient quantity of water.

9. Cranberry Juice

Most of the people are not aware of the amazing benefits of cranberry juice for treating gum diseases. Loaded with Vitamin C content, cranberry juice prevents accumulation of bacteria on teeth and gums. You just have to drink half a cup of cranberry juice on a daily basis. Simple as it is! Your gums and teeth will derive sufficient nourishment from cranberries. Similarly, people suffering from gingivitis must eat fresh fruits that contain large quantities of Vitamin C content such as limes, oranges, papaya, strawberries, etc. on a regular basis.

10. Clove Oil

We have seen that clove oil is generally applied when a person has aching teeth. Clove oil is beneficial to reduce bleeding gums. Even though it creates a burning sensation on the applied area, it does not lasts longer.

11. Aloe Vera

Fortified with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, aloe vera is beneficial to treat gingivitis, fight bacteria and reduce bad breath problems. Massaging gums with aloe vera juice can help you treat gum disease. However, this should be done on a regular basis. You can leave the gel for half an hour or so. Moreover, if you are drinking aloe vera juice on a daily basis, then it will be nourishing for your gums and overall health.

12. Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide

This home-made remedy is recommended by many experts. Baking soda can be mixed with water and applied on gums mildly. But please make sure that you are not allergic to baking soda. Another remedy is to apply a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water on teeth. One can also mix hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to apply on teeth and gum line. It not only fights gingivitis but also whitens teeth.

Thus, gingivitis is a severe teeth and gum condition that make you feel awkward. It also affects teeth adversely. Hence, it is necessary to follow few of the home remedies for gum disease given above to treat gingivitis as quickly as possible. These home remedies for gum disease will fight against gingivitis, maintain oral hygiene and strengthen teeth.

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