Sunday 21 May 2017

Seeds Health Benefits : 7 Super Seeds That Can Change Your Life!

Did you know the health benefits of seeds? Did you know the 7 Super Seeds Health Benefits Can Change Your Life! Have you ever noticed the top crust of your bread loaf? Those little specks and dots that decorate the bread and add a dash of salty crunch? Those little drop-shaped beads of black and brown color on top of your soba noodles? Those little tit-bits that come in your morning bowl of muesli?

You! Guessed it right! With all the goodness punched in these little seeds, these little toasted bundles with bags full of flavour are called seeds. Do not go by their small appearance. They are power packed with flavour and essential oils and engulf a myriad of health benefits.

Seeds Health Benefits are yet unraveled and less known to all of us. We bring youhealth boosters in the forms of seeds. Let’s get to know these health enriching seeds a little bit.

Seeds health benefits


The Seeds Health Benefits That You Must Know

1. Chia Seeds Health Benefits

Did you know the health benefits of chia seeds? No one had ever imagined that a seed that powered the Aztec armies would become a super food of today’s day and age. Read on the contents of your muesli or instant cereal packet and you are sure to find Chia seeds in the content list. You would be a complete moron to not to include it in your diet if you are power training in the gym. Chia seeds boast of having 6 times the calcium of milk and 10 times more fibre than rice.

The Richest natural source of Omega-3 fatty acids, packed with nutrition in a single tablespoon it is high in dietary fibre, which when dissolved with the digestive enzymes and juices to control your blood sugar levels and promotes the feeling that your stomach is full thereby helping you prevent the “between the meals” snacking! Being Gluten Free, it highly appeals to people allergic to gluten and aiming weight loss.

2. Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds

Apart from being a topping on your Soya Soba Noodles, and your soft bagels and hamburger buns, when toasted the essential oils get activated and bring a new dimension to any dish. Sesame is an unknown source if calcium for most of us. Calcium is the prime ingredient for Bone formation and muscle formation.

Keep a special place, well deserved for black sesame as it is packed with anti-oxidants needs for keeping at bay premature aging. The copper and zinc present in them end up in an enzymatic process to provide you with energy and ensures proper working of the nervous system.  Use sesame oil in your food on a daily not only to enhance flavour but to give it a nutritional kick. Cumin has a number of health benefits.

3. Sunflower Seeds Health Benefits

Spending too much on your diet food? Want a pocket-friendly diet? We help you meet the new age high on nutritive value sunflower seeds. Add a spoonful to your morning bowl of cereal or the fruit and milk smoothie you drink after your workout. Sunflower seeds reduce the severity of asthma, lower high blood pressure, and prevent a migraine headache.

This sun-loving flower gifts us seeds laden with essentials  like Vitamin E, Copper, Magnesium needed for strengthening bones, efficient working of the digestive system. Sunflower seeds are proven for preventing Cancer. Throw in a handful of sunflower seeds in your salad or your bowl of fruit yogurt. Blend it in your dips and sandwich spreads.

4.  Health Benefits of Seeds : Mustard Seeds

We all love those little fireworks that burst in crackles when a heated oiled pan gets hit with a spoonful of mustard seeds. The most commonly used seeds for tempering or adding more flavour to food are mustard seeds. You should include Mustard seeds in your diet because of the anti-inflammatory properties it carries that help to keep congestion and asthmatic symptoms at bay. It has heating properties give relief to people suffering from rheumatoid, arthritis.

Packed with sulphur, it helps to heal common skin ailments. Use Mustard Oil  regularly as a base for your dishes as it contains iron, magnesium and copper that help in strengthening your immunity and keep common diseases at bay.

5. Pumpkin Seeds Health Benefits that You Never Know Before

Crunchy and nutritious Pumpkin seeds are high in Calories and are obtained from the kernel of a ripe pumpkin. Pumpkin seeds are a store house of Anti-oxidant that is scavengers of free radicals, helping you look young no matter what age. Pumpkin seeds can be said as natural sleeping pills because of amino acids like tryptophan and glutamate that are present in the pumpkin later transform into serotonin and niacin that are natural sleep-inducing hormones.

Buy pumpkin seeds that are white in color and compact heavy in the hand, free of any cracks or folds. Enjoy whole seeds roasted as a snack. Mexicans make a mole sauce using pumpkin seeds, use it granolas, bread, cookies, to enrich meats, gravies, rice dishes and sprinkle on your salad.

6. Carom Seeds Health Benefits You Can’t Miss Out

Call it Bishop’s seed or thymol seed no matter what name it truly is one of the most commonly available in every household. Apart from healing an aching stomach or vomiting or indigestion, it can be consumed in raw or powdered form.

Having high contents of thiamine, calcium, riboflavin, calcium, phosphorus this little seed helps to cure acid reflux, malfunctioning of liver and kidney when boiled win water and consumed. Carom seed oil is extremely beneficial for arthritis and rheumatoid joint pains when massaged gives instant relief because of its strong, heat providing pungent nature.

7. Benefits of Pomegranate Seeds

Pomegranates are a rich source of anti-oxidants and thus, help in protecting the cells of the body from free radicals that cause premature aging. Regular consumption of the pomegranate seeds leads to prevention of clotting of blood, thereby improving blood circulation and overall health. High in polyphenols, pomegranate seeds reduce the risk of cancer.

Having been loaded with Vitamin C and Potassium, it reduces the damage and harm that the cartilage faces for arthritis patients. Rich in Tannins it gives better results than red wine and green tea. It is an age-old home remedy to eat powdered Pomegranate seeds with powdered Indian Gooseberry (Amla) to increase work efficiency of the digestive system. Pomegranate seeds have also been proven to give you a healthy and cholesterol free heart.

Suddenly seeds are everywhere these days, on deserts, on salads, as garnishing. These super healthy and beneficial seeds may look small but definitely yield big and worthy results when it comes to providing good health and keeping diseases at bay.

Seeds are nutritional powerhouses that pack a punch in good health. They help in healing simple diseases right in your home. Healthy and compact seeds are the latest food fad! We have seen here health benefits of seeds and it’s time to reveal and reap benefits of these little bundles of good health.

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